How To Add The Client’s Details In Contacts?

How To Add The Client’s Details In Contacts?

Contacts consist of the personal details of the client. Personal information includes name, address, phone, email, designation, and social media ID.

To access the contacts, go to operations and click on Contacts.

The contacts page has the list of personal details.

Create Contact
To create a new contact, click on the create New Contact option on the right side.

Once you click on the create new contact option, the New Contact window pops up on the page. Enter the client’s details and click on the save button to add the data to the list.

Name shows the full name of the person

Designation shows the position of the person in the company.

Phone number column has the mobile number of the person

Email ID column has the professional email address of the person

The LinkedIn column shows the LinkedIn of the client.

Address column consists of the full residential address of the client, including city, state, and zip code

Active column shows whether the client data is active or inactive

Action consists of settings that include edit and delete options.

Edit option leads you to the Edit Contact page, where you edit or update the contact details.

Click on the delete option to remove the contact details from the list permanently.

Once you click on the delete option, a warning message pops up in the middle of the page asking for confirmation to delete the data. Hit the “Yes'' button to delete the data, or “No” to cancel it.

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